Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

I almost forgot today was New Years Eve. I'm not a big party person so it's never really been a big deal to me. I went to rent some movies today and the guy at the counter was all like "but dude, it's like the last day of 2008, man." And I'm all "yeah? so?". Not to down play it or anything, but I just never have seen the necessity to go out and pay money to hang out with people you don't know and then drive home with a bunch of drunks. So my plan is to have a nice dinner, dessert, movies. And hopefully make it to midnight.
Side note: so there's another funny thing about the guy at the video store .... He gets my phone number and then you know they have to verify my he goes "so yourrrrr........." And I could just see the wheels in his head turning. He's got two choices: Pete or Corey. Certainly this red headed girl in front of him couldn't possibly be either one of those listed under this number. (those are guy names) "Corey", I said. "Well, can I see your I.D.?" And then he sat there and inspected it for what seemed like forever and you could see his little mental Note To Self: yes, girls can be named Corey. And then I thought (are you really this worried about video store fraud??)
I didn't say anything, but I sure wanted to. The thing is, I'm used it. But it never ceases to make me laugh. All my life people have thought I was a guy just by looking at my name in print. I would always get the "oh, I was expecting a dude" when I would answer my phone at work. I actually really like my name, but it's always funny when people think I'm a dude!
Anyway, back to the new year...
I dunno...I'm kind of not feeling it. Like, I'm not excited for what's to come. I don't know what is to come, maybe that's it. I remember last year excited to start a few projects, excited for what the year would bring. But this year I don't really have anything planned. I'm not really a resolution maker. Because it just seems like too much pressure or something. Last year I tried to do the 365 project (photo a day for a year) and I made it 6 months. That's pretty good for me! I was thinking of NOT doing it this year. But then....I went into my pictures and tried to make a collage of 2008. There were SO many that I just loved. I ended up making 2 collages. It was great to go back remember there was a lot of good stuff this year. And a lot of it I would have never captured if I didn't do things like the 365, or the Day in the Life project, or my December Daily project. Looking at all those pictures just reminds me how good life really is, and how much I really do have to be thankful for. So, I'm not going to hold myself to it, or make any promises...but I'm thinking of attempting the 365 again. I guess I've got about 24 hours to make a decision! (collages to come later...photoshop crapped out on me and I lost everything I was working on! grrrr!)
Here are my NOT resolutions:
Moderation (food related mostly)
Being a better friend (to those near and far)
Spending more time as a family (I need this to be on Pete's list too)
Continue to grow and learn and be a better wife and mother.

Cheers to 2009! May yours be happy and healthy. :)


camport said...

Love your NOT resolutions. It is scary not knowing what a new year will bring, but I'm gonna try to just hang on and enjoy the ride. Life is too short to worry about things out of your control anyways!

You made it much further into the 365 project than me, but I am really going to try to make it through this year! Way back when Ali E was doing her Daily Something, I kept up with it until I accidentally deleted all my pictures. I have several months worth on Flickr and I still love looking through them. Most are of our time in Seattle and I am SO SO glad I was dedicated enough to document the daily.

I agree w/you about the partying thing. New Years, not a big deal for us! Sean said today, "I wonder how many people will die tonight for nothing?" Scary thought. Too many drunks all on one night!


Melissa said...

NOT resolutions. Like that term! Think I'll stick with that one.

I did my 365 project last year and still can't believe I stuck with it. I now have to upload and print 366 pictures and put them into an already waiting album. UGH. That is the part I am not looking forward to. I do think I have 5 months uploaded at one of my online photo sites.

This year, it's a Self Portrait Thursday and some sort of Kara weekly thing. I haven't figured out Kara's yet though. And who knows if I'll blog them or did keep me on track though for sure.

As for New Years, we went to some friends and played Scene It! the Disney Edition. It was a family friendly night and only the woman made it to midnight. EVERYONE else crashed! Pretty funny...

Have a great day (sorry about the long comment)

Kimberly White said...

Happy New Year Corey! And I really love your NOT resolutions! So need those in my life too for this year! And I am proud of you ... making it to 6 months on your 365 pics ... I made it 12 days (but I think having Josh prematurely gives me a really really good excuse =)! Hope you had a good night last night ... sounds like a perfect new years eve night to me ... I was asleep before midnight (you know you are a parent when ...). Have a wonderful day!
Love ya! Kim

nicole said...

i'm totally with you on the new years thing...and I didn't make it to midnight :)
loving the not resolutions....need to make a few of the same ones!!
and I'm going to give 365 another go - like you said what you get out of it when you do it is so worth it!
happy new year!