Friday, June 06, 2008

Do you ever make a decision to do something and then think what the EFF was I thinking like 10 seconds into it?
Kinda where I am right now.
We're having a garage sale tomorrow. Well not here (thank the Lord) but at my mother in law's house. It was Pete's sister, Sarah's idea. She's moving back up to Sacramento in a month and wanted to get rid of some of her stuff. Pete's mom and dad have their house up for sale too so they've got the same agenda. Me? I just had a few things that I was going to donate or just junk and thought what the heck, why not join the garage sale.
I went over there today to drop off some of my things and all of a sudden it hit me. I remembered what a P.I.T.A. garage sales are.
1st-you have to go through all your crap. For me, this time wasn't a big deal. I knew what I was going to get rid of and most of it was already in "donate" pile anyway. But watching the MIL and FIL go through their stuff just stressed me out. Too much junk!
2nd-There's the whole putting stuff out, cleaning it up, and then putting it back out the next day.
3rd-haggling with people. You guys know me and confrontation. I sure as heck don't want to haggle. I'm willing to go down on price a little to get stuff sold. But I'm not going to give stuff away. If that were the case I would have driven it all strait to Good Will.
4th-Getting up early. Gah! It's just a necessity of a successful garage sale. Everyone knows the serious junkers come out early. I really don't mind getting up early. I really like it actually. But I haven't had to actually get up early and get out of the house early in like 5 months. And I don't wanna!
5th-What to do with all the stuff that doesn't sell? leave it in a pile and hope some fairy comes and whisks it all away in the night? That would be nice. Luckily I don't have too many things to sell anyway. So that's good for me. Hopefully it will all go.
6th- and this one really just pertains to me and because I'm in a mood...dealing with 3 kids all day on top of it all. Normally, not a big deal. But these boys (Jake and my nephew Blake) in particular have been driving me up the wall the past 3 days. I'm sure I sound like a horrible mother/aunt/human being right now, but I'm just not looking forward to all day with them. Again.

Boy! I'm just full of positive thinking tonight, no?! Sorry, I'm just in a punk mood. It'll be good. Besides, there's 3 little kittens over there I get to snuggle with all day! oh my. they are SO cute. Pete won't let me have one. He won't let Megan or Jake have one either. I tried all the angles, but he wasn't goin' for it. Boo! At least I get to play with them all day :)
Ok off to wash dishes. FUN!
Don't forget: check out the post below and leave me a comment if you want to be in the drawing for the books :)
happy weekend!
P.S. I'd also like to say Hi and welcome any new readers here. I've had quite a bit more traffic due to the book RAKs and randomness. Thanks for stopping by and don't be shy! Join in, leave commnents and all that! :D


Melissa said...

After reading this, I think any junk I find I will donate to one of our local charities, or if I think it will sell, sell it on eBay.

I totally forgot about all the work with garage sales...

I hope all goes well and that you are able to get rid of some of your junk and walk away with some cash :)

camport said...

uh, okay, did you try the "we had turkeys in a cage, but you won't let me have a KITTEN?" angle?

I would just come home with one. lol, that's how I do things. Then again, I don't have a cat, do I?

And, yes, I second guess decisions all the time! But we made $700 at our last yard sale, so that one was well worth the second guessing!

I hope the kids don't stress you out too much. I totally know that feeling!


Jude said...

I hope you survive the gaage sale. Micah is so opposed to them that he refuses to even have one... oh well.... off to the good will for me!! LOL. Let us know how you make out K?

Dettao said...

so... How do you really feel about garge sales? LOL

Cheryl Wray said...

I'm absolutely totally with you about the garage sale. You think they're a great idea going into them (the extra money you'll make, the getting rid of stuff), then you realize what an ever-loving HASSLE they are!!!!

I got my book in the mail. THANK YOU!!!! It is on my pile of "to read" books (after the third Twilight, and the new Maeve Binchy. :-)