It was a really fun project and I definitely think I'm going to do it again. Like Ali says it's something you can do over and over because every time you'll get different results. If anyone wants the supply list, let me know, I'll be glad to email it to you.
Now here's where the drama starts....About 3 quarters of the way through the class, Pete calls my cell phone. Jake was really sick and had thrown up about 15 times. I guess it started right after I left to go to class. So I freaked and packed up all my stuff and kind of abandoned Kathleen. She totally understood though. I was disappointed because I really wanted to buy Ali's book and have her sign it. I also wanted to get a picture with her. Pete said not to worry and go ahead and finish the class, but when your kid is that sick, you just go. So I get home and it's bad. You can smell the bad. Poor Jake is sitting with his head in a bucket having the dry heaves because there's nothing left. Megan's crying because she still doesn't feel 100% either. I felt so bad for Pete, but he seriously is the best dad. He was right there helping Jake, cleaning up etc...Shortly after I got home he left and went to get himself something to eat. I think he really needed a (well deserved) break. About 6:30 my phone rings and it's Kathleen. She recapped the end of the class and wanted to check on Jake. She also said, "check your front door, I left you something on your front steps". So I go open the door and sitting right there is Ali's book. "A Designers Eye for scrapbooking with Patterned paper". She bought it for me and even had Ali sign it. Isn't that so sweet? Seriously good friend. Despite the barf, I smiled. Maybe got a little teary too. Do any of you have this book? AWESOME. Really. If nothing else, just perfect scrapbook eye candy.
Alright, well I think this is enough for now. I have some laundry to do. And both kids are napping, better take advantage of it while I can!
Ok, now I really am jealous. JEAL-OUS! That so sucks that you had to leave. Am I a bad mom? B/c I'da been like, "Oh well!! See ya when I get home!" Not really, I probably wouldn't have even taken my phone in.
Awesome little book, I would LOVE the supply list. Do you take your own stuff, or is that provided with the class? As far as paper and stamps and ALL your other supplies?
I have both of her books, and love them and use them every single time I scrap. Seriously.
Your friend is the best. I had a good long awwwwwwwww over her getting that book for you. How cool is that?!? Just wow, you're lucky to have a friend like her, first to come to a class with you, and then to get you that book. So lucky. I'm moving to California. And I'm taking her. j/k.
Hoping the virus you guys have is over as quickly as ours. I still haven't gotten it, but know I will. Simon still has a high fever, but no puking. Felix is back to normal, but Sean is right in the middle of the nastiness. I am hoping and praying I don't get it.
Happy Sunday to you, I'd love that supply list!! Chrissy
Beautiful book! Gorgeous! I would love to know the supplies list if you have time. Too cool. I'm not a scrapbooker yet, but I love Ali. Just wanted to tell you that your book was really awesome and somehow the Universe looks after you. Your friend is a gem to do that for you, too. Very cool.
What a beautiful mini book! I got to take 2 Ali classes last September! They were so much fun and really taught me to relax! And you are right about the eyecandy in her book! I can't wait till her next book comes out in the fall! Have a great day and I hope that sick gets out of your house quick! Kim
Oh man, I hope Pete feels better soon! Sean had to call in today, for the first time in a long time.
I still haven't caught it, thank God.
About the scraplifting, I use sketches, and I guess when I lift, it's about the same as using a sketch. I see all LO's as sketches really. I'm all about making it my own, too. Most of the time I don't have their elements, b/c I'm cheap. I think it's crap that all the big names out there get free stuff. They're the ones that can afford the extras, they need to give the free stuff to people like you and me, regular people.
Anyways, I am so in love with your book. I am definitely going to do several of them. I want to do one of Simon's b-day, just b/c I have SO many pictures. And maybe a monthly one for Felix's first year or something like that.
Hope you don't catch the bug!! Chrissy
oh my gosh! it is my dream to go to an Ali E. class! Sorry you had to leave early. The stomach bug is going around. My whole family got about 3 weeks ago. Hope your all feeling better.
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