Monday, August 29, 2011

Random blathering about time. Or the lack thereof.

I feel like there is no time. No time for anything lately. School has completely overwhelmed me the past two weeks. I feel like I have no time to go to the store. No time to take a shower. (don't worry, i find the time ;-) ) No time to fold laundry or sweep the floor. No time to work. No time to play. No time to relax.
Not to worry. I'm not going to quit homeschooling or anything. I just haven't quite found my balance yet. It takes time. I wasn't as prepared this year as I was last. And then some changes in our curriculum have made it harder to find a good groove.
The thing with the school from my last post: It's not really anything. I'm not going to quit the charter school. The thought has crossed my mind only because sometimes the reasons behind me wanting to homeschool, but yet still going through a 'public school', sort of clash. I want my kids to have a love of learning and sometimes the school would rather focus on spitting out mindless information on a standardized test. Those two things in my mind clash.
Anyway it turns out I was right, and our school is being audited because they are trying to get an accreditation from some national school accreditation thingy. Don't ask me LOL! But basically, they're wanting to improve standardized testing scores across the board. So we've had to do a little adjusting in our curriculum to meet their needs. It's not necessarily a bad thing. Its actually good. We're getting some more support (as parents/teachers) in order to meet these goals. So I've been talking a lot with our teacher, ordering new materials, and trying to find a balance in our daily schedules to make sure we get this stuff all in.
Last week I only left the house once. I'm not kidding. Used to we could get our schooling done within a couple hours and then be able to go on a field trip, or to the grocery store or the library in the afternoon. This year so far,with all the extra stuff I've been doing, and the extra curriculum load with two students, I just haven't found the 'smooth' yet. We haven't been finishing school work until about 2:30 and then Pete is home by 3. When he gets home all I want is a break! But yet there's still laundry to fold, dishes to wash, dinner to make...... .....
I also took on the task of a paid photo shoot last week. It was so fun. But now I need to find the time to process the images and get them to the client. I've done 15 so far. I promised her at least 30-40 good images. I guess I'm half done.
Anyway, I did find the time to sit here and write this random post about having no time. In the meantime, my dryer just buzzed, and the kids are ready for their math lessons. I must be off. I'm promising myself that by this time next week I will have a more smoothness to our day-to-day schedule. And maybe I'll start posting pics with my posts again. ;-)


CAmport said...

Aw man! One of the things I love about homeschooling is not having to follow anyone elses agenda/time schedule. I really hope they get things figured out for you. :(

Also, just as an aside, for BOTH kids, it only cost me about $300 for the curriculum only. The supplies added another $100 or so. Just something to think about for next year should you make a go of it w/o them butting in. I shared a science and history program, so that saved me $ in the long run! Either way, it was still less than one months tuition at a private school!! I'm sure I could've gotten more with a charter school, but I think the hassle would push me right over the top. I know the rules are a lot different in CA than here in TX, so that may add a whole other aspect to it all.


Jude said...

I am sure it will get better soon! remember, you just DOUBLED your class size ;)

Anonymous said...

I know it's crazy, but take time to breathe. . . . ;o)

Brown English Muffin said...

I admire anyone who can home school so having "no time" means to me you're dedicating "some time" to something that matter to you.