1. First we went on a field trip:

We went to an organic farm. It was super interesting. The kids liked it, but I'm pretty sure I got more out of it than they did. But it is really cool to see where your food comes from. I wanted to jump on the local band wagon as fast as I could! I think it is so cool to be a part of and participate in and know exactly where and from whom you are getting your food. I just can't afford their very high priced CSA at the moment. Plus, we have our own farmers market growing in our back yard right now. And I just need to be patient.
The field trip also helped grow my secret interest in bee keeping:

This farmer made this very small bee hive (about the size of a coffee table) with about $60 worth of material and about a days work. Within 5 days it already had some bees calling it home and making honey! There was no queen yet though. But still, really cool, right?!
2. Then we had a Tea Party:

And while it was a lot of fun, it was also a lot of work. I took something like 437 images that day and I think my little Canon Rebel XT might finally be seeing the end of it's days. I think I may have actually shot the hell out of it. And my precious .50mm lens is not looking to good either. The poor little guy is wounded and I may have to reduce to duct tape before the end. {hangs head in shame}
3. Then we went to the rodeo. I love rodeos. Thursday was free night. So duh, we went. There was only 2 events: Team Roping and Wild Cow Milking.

It was perfect for the kids though, since they'd never been to a rodeo. Wild cow milking is hilarious, if you go to a rodeo, check out that event. It was priceless! (there is some info online if you google it, but basically it's just a race to get one drop of milk from a cow)
4. Then Friday was our last official day of school. I have no pictures of that. It wasn't really that eventful. Just a day at the park with a bunch of other home schooled kids. Please watch this video. It explains so much...
5. And lastly to round out the weekend......I had a horrible, horrible headache. It started Friday on the way to the park and seriously...there is still a slight shadow of a headache there today. It has been The Worst headache I have ever had. I really, really hope it was random. Because I can't do that again. Absolutely nothing got done for 3 days.
Well that was a boring end to the story.
Fun! I want to go there! I don't do CSA's yet. All they do is go to the farmer's mkts I already shop at and compile the stuff I already compile. No thanks. However, one of my fave farmers is about to start one with meat+produce. I may just jump on the bandwagon once he starts. :)
<3 the Tea Party Pix. :)
I've never been to a rodeo I enjoyed. Though the cow milking sounds pretty funny.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the video. Hilarious.
Boo for headaches. Hope you found a rememdy. :/
I sooo want to see wild cow milking.. LOL
And I soo wanted to see a picture of that farming drinking coke!
Ok let me go watch this video
thanks for posting my video!
funny video... :)
would love a local co-op, but i am such a cynical person, and would have a hard time trusting them if i didn't know them!
Everything ok??? :0)
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