2. Saturday I was able to go off on my own though. I went and visited with some of the girls I used to work with. It was fun to see everyone again. But sort of odd too, since I'm the only one who doesn't work outside the home. It's weird because it's like I still fit in....but then again I don't. Hard to explain I guess.
3. My friend Christine, who hosted the party, has lost over 150 lbs!! For serious! All on her own. She looks amazing. If her voice didn't come out of her face, I would hardly know it was her. I hadn't seen her in about a year, except for an occasional pic on Facebook. But there's nothing like 'in person'. Wow! She is just truly an inspiration. She has worked so hard and proved so many people wrong in so many ways. I really love her and I'm so glad she is living a much more healthy life.
4. I have met my weight loss goals too. Well, actually, I've exceeded them by about 20 lbs. I've had many people say "I didn't know you had that much to lose!" Heck, I didn't either. I didn't even think it was possible. But here I am...the same weight I was when I got married. I can hardly believe it myself. I don't mean this to be boastful, but I can not tell you how good it feels to put clothes on and they just....fit. Without feeling like I'm about to burst. Or without worrying about my muffin top (wait, lets be honest here: huge inner-tube spare tire) hanging out the top of my jeans. I finally feel like me again. Which is weird and probably only I understand that statement. I don't have any formal before and afters, but this one here on the left is me about a week into my weight loss and on the right is me about a week ago.

5. Ok so this one SO does not belong right after I just told you all how I lost all kindsa weight and want to be health and all, but it's too good not to mention. For your next gathering you MUST make this dip. For reals. If you're married already, your husband will propose to you again. If your single, someone is bound to propose to you after they eat this. I'm not kidding, it's so good!
Jalapeno Popper Dip (tastes just like a jalapeno popper!):
(adapted from Annie's Eats)
2 (8 oz.) packages cream cheese, softened
1 cup mayonnaise
1 (4 oz.) can chopped green chiles, drained
1 (4 oz.) can diced jalapeƱo peppers, drained
½ cup shredded Mexican style cheese
½ cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1 cup Panko breadcrumbs
½ cup grated Parmesan cheese
Cooking spray
Preheat the oven to 375˚ F. In a medium bowl, combine the cream cheese, mayonnaise, green chiles, jalapeƱos, and shredded cheeses. Mix thoroughly with a spoon or spatula until smooth and evenly combined. Spread the mixture into a baking dish (approximately 9 x 9-inches).
In a second bowl, combine the Panko and Parmesan and stir with a fork until combined. Sprinkle over the cream cheese mixture in the baking dish. Spray lightly with cooking spray. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until the mixture is hot and the topping is golden. Serve warm with baguette slices, vegetables, etc. as desired.
I made this for our party Saturday. It was a huge hit. I used LOW FAT everything and no one, not even Pete who notices everything, noticed. If you can control yourself, it's really not all that bad for you. But it's really, really hard to control yourself with this stuff. I had to walk away.6. We're still truckin' along on this homeschool thing. I am still liking it, and I think Jake is liking it more too. We've been writing and essay on Jamestown (the first settlement here in America). So far he has three pages written! I have guided him some in paragraph structure. I still think he could not do that on his own. But all the sentences are his. He's very proud of himself. He said, "the 2nd graders at my old school would never write this much!". And he said it with a big smile on his face. :)
7. Oh! here's another really good, super simple, very frugal recipe! See that's the thing about Weight Watchers: it totally makes you obsess about food way more than you ever did before. you think about it constantly. at least I did...but it's getting better...maybe.
Take a package of lean, boneless pork chops; sprinkle them with a little salt and pepper and then stick em in the crockpot. Cover the chops with about a cup-cup and a half of salsa verde (the green stuff) not the green enchilada sauce, but actual green salsa. Just enough till they're covered. Stick the lid on and turn the crockpot on low for....i dunno...all day. Right before you're ready to eat, take em out and shred the chops, then stick the meat back in the juices. Then, make tacos or burritos or whatever. It's so yummy! And healthy! And Cheap!
8. I know I wrote this on Facebook the other day but it's still so funny to me: The fact that Megan calls the cat's litter box the "glitter box". It makes me laugh every time. Yesterday she informed me that Miss Kitty had "no food, no water, but a wheely clean glitter box!".
9. Confession: I like all the shows on the CW network. Really. One Tree Hill, The Vampire Diaries, yes even 90210 and that silly Hellcats show. I can't help it.
10. Halloween camping THIS weekend! YAY! praying it doesn't rain....it's supposed to :(
1. :)
2. Either way, at least you got to go out, sans kids, right? I get what you mean about fitting in, but not. That's kinda what I'm feeling about our new Lifegroup. They all have kids our kids age, a lot of them are medical, BUT...they're doctors. They are all LOADED and I feel like it's hard to relate. How do they understand our life issues when money isn't one of theirs?
3. I love that! Go ahead, Girl! Amazing.
4. YOU ROCK! So proud of you! You were and are gorgeous.
5. Will definitely be trying these!
6. That's awesome. I have yet another friend that wants to start next year. She already has a co-op ready to spring from the public school. I would consider it, but they're Muslim and teaching Arabic as part of their curriculum. Mmm, not so much needing the Koran and Arabic taught to my boys.
7. I will definitely be trying this one, too! Cheap, healthy...good with me!
8. I love that! I'm kinda, almost, would be willing to get a cat, but Felix still swells up at the mere mention of them.
9. I know nothing of any of those shows. It's Modern Family and Teen Moms for me. :)
10. How can this be?!?! I'm so lame! I didn't even buy a pumpkin this year. :/ For costumes, I'm on the verge of giving up on the homemade idea and digging into the dress up bin. What can I say? I just don't have the drive or the $ for it this year.
Great list!
1. I totally understand about having everyone together. I miss my step daughter dearly but driving to and from BK to get her and then us splitting up every other weekend because she's 13 and my 4 year old has a birthday party that a 13 year old would get bored at just made things a mess every other weekend. Now it's just the three of us and I don't feel like a single mother so much when we go to parties and play dates...it's nice.
2. It's weird feeling part of a group but then not really. It's how I feel about our old blog we used to have...I mean that's how I know you Chrissy, Jude, etc...and I feel I still fit but then it also feels weird.
3. Please tell me what your friends secret is...I need to loose 100lbs at least. I'm trying to stick to WW and working out this time around...I fell off the wagon a bit between Puerto Rico and Mexico this year.
4. I'm still staring at the picture wondering where in the world would she loose 20lbs from. But pictures totally tell the story....and you look FAB!!!!
5. I'm trying to get my cousins over for dinner this Saturday I will def try this.
6. I admire anyone that has the patience to teach my child...but I'm brave to admit I'm NOT that one. Though she did write a letter to her old day care director who retired and she wrote all of three lines which took FOREVER!!! LOL
7. Hmm I'll have to look for the salsa verde all i have is the red salsa.
8. glitter box...LOL You should get some embellishments and really make it a glitter box!! P.S. I do that all the time repeat things I wrote on fb, but then I remember the audience isn't all the same. I would never let all my fb read all my totally random madness that I write on my blog!! LOL
9. Hmm I'm going to have to check out this channel you call CW...but if I get hooked I'm going to talk your right ear off and it will be ALL your fault!!!
10. Halloween camping sounds like so much fun....I've always wanted to go cold weather camping but dh is a no go on that one!!!
you are looking great corey!!
and i totally know what you mean about not fitting in with working mom friends - i feel like i live in a parallel universe when i talk to them :)
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