I love how she says girl. She says, Girrrrr with no L on the end. It's so cute.
She's my right hand man, my little partner. She spent three whole days with me before Christmas at Jake's school working in the Santa shop. She didn't whine or complain once.
I can't get over the fact that she's only 3 and I've started buying her a few things from the 'big girls' section at the store. She's so close to being too big for the toddler sizes. Well, in height only. She's still as skinny as a pencil.
She loves, loves, loves horses. Still. She loves all animals, but especially horses. Santa brought her this beautiful grand doll house. She could have cared less about it. Until I told her her horses could live there too. Now it's the coolest thing. For her birthday a few months ago, Pete's sister got her a baby doll that came with a little puppy. The baby still has all her clothes on, her shoes AND her hair isn't even messed up. The puppy, however, has lost all of it's accessories. See. She likes animals.
She loves make up, lipstick, purses and having her fingernails painted.
She likes art. She especially likes painting with water colors. She likes coloring too and is getting good at staying in the lines.
She looks and acts much older than she is. Most people we meet ask if she's in kindergarten, or if she will be starting kindergarten this year. Nope. Not even close. I still have 2 years and even then she will just have turned 5. She, like Jake, will probably be the youngest in her class.
She is funny, sassy and dramatic. Sometimes a little heavy on the drama. ;) She makes the funniest faces.
She eats like crazy. I think she might have the metabolism of an ant. Or a humming bird. Or a hollow leg. Seriously the girl can pack it in. She eats just as much, if not more, than her brother.
She still takes naps. Oh how I ♥ that she still takes naps!
She has gotten in the habit though, of waking up eeeeaaaarrrly in the morning (like 4:30 usually), walking all the way down the dark hallway to our room and knocking ever so slightly on the door. She comes in and wants to sleep with us. Jake never did that. If it's before 6 am, I tell her no and walk her back to her room and tuck her in. Surprisingly, she gives me no grief for that. Am I mean? I can't sleep when she's in there! After 6, I'm happy to snuggle with her a little :)
She's starting to play independently a little more. Which is really helpful because usually she's right next to me where ever I am. Mommy needs a little space every now and then.
She's got a memory like an elephant. She can memorize things really well. Like song lyrics, names, etc... I need to start capitalizing on that and work more on learning to spell her name, recognize and write letters.
Anyway, she's my little girrrr and I just love her. We are all so blessed.
She's growing up way too fast. Just since our rendezvous at Golden Corral, she's changed so much. *sigh* Too fast.
such a sweet post corey....and a sweet picture too!
Ahhhh. . . the face of an angel!
What a sweetie! Joel sometimes wants to sleep with us still ... we take him back too. A great post!
Reading this was like reading a post on my own little one....she still follows me from room to room never wanting to be alone though.
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