Pete and I just got back from a really nice relaxing weekend in Tahoe. It's been a while (9 years to be exact) since we've been there. You really forget how beautiful a place can be.
We stayed literally on top of the mountain. On the back side of Heavenly ski resort. It wasn't the best hotel, but the scenery made up for it.
We went without kids. It was the first time in 3 years we'd been anywhere just the two of us. We really needed that. Sometimes you forget how to just be you and not be the mom or the dad. It was great. Although, both of us the entire time were saying things like "oh Jake would love this" or "we need to come back here with the kids". Funny how that happens.
Anyway I don't seem to have a lot of words today so I'll just fill up with pictures.
First view of the lake coming down highway 50:

This is actually from the other side of the lake but it fits well for the story:

Breakfast at Heidi's Saturday morning. You can't go to Tahoe and not eat at Heidi's:

Emerald Bay:

Pete playing with his new point and shoot. That camera is awesome.

Boats on the West shore:

Clear blue water on the North shore. If I wasn't in Tahoe and surrounded by pine trees I would have sworn we were in Hawaii. The water was so crystal clear. Unbelievable.

Sunset Saturday. This pic was taken from Pete's point and shoot from inside our hotel room. It's straight out of the camera too. Blogger is not doing the colors justice.

Perfect ending to a perfect weekend.
You are so pretty, Corey Ann.
What a gorgeous place! and so awesome that you were able to spend some time away :)
Great photos too - what kind of point and shoot is it??
It's so important to get away as a couple. We try and do it every year on our anniversary for the weekend!
I've always imagined that the Lake Tahoe area is beautiful. I can tell from your pictures that it is!
Looks like an amazing weekend! I'll have to add that on my 'places to go' list. Gorgeous pics - impressive point 'n shoot!
Hooray for going away just the two of you! Matt and I did that last month for the first time since Joel was born! Thanks for sharing those pics! Lake Tahoe looks like a beautiful place! Kim
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