*I really hate how in blogger you can't just put your cursor somewhere and say "add photo" and the photo would appear where the cursor was. Seriously, that is really really annoying.
*It's been hot here. Sunday was 110* I like the heat, but that's a little ridiculous. We had an awesome time in the pool this morning though. One good thing about the hot weather is our pool finally gets warm enough to actually get in and not want to get right back out. It's weird how cold that pool can be. Today it was per-fect! We spent 3 hours in it this morning.
*The last two weekends Pete has taken Jake up to the ranch with him. So it's just been me and Megan. I used to worry, worry, worry that some horrible thing would happen if I wasn't there with my boy. I think it's just a control issue. Not that I don't trust my own husband. It's more like my brain says: nothing horrible can happen if I'm there. But that's stupid. I'm getting better at just letting it go and not worrying over nothing anymore.
*Megan is a charm to be with one-on-one. She and I have been to the farmers market together both weekends. The first time she was so excited. She said "oh mommy! thank you so much for taking me here!" I know. She's only 2. But those were her exact words. Too cute! She was so good, in fact, that I took her to Starbucks and got her her very own strawberries and cream frapichino. Ok, let's be honest. I went to Starbucks to get my very own mocha frap, but I couldn't leave my girl hangin'. She was so excited. Usually I make her and Jake share. The whole way home she kept asking: "Dis not for my brudder? Only fo me? I don't have to share?" Just to make sure I guess!
*Last Wednesday Pete and I celebrated our 9th anniversary. I can hardly believe it. How could it be that long? I know it's so cliche' but I can honestly say I love him more now than I did then. I had no idea what I was getting into, to be honest. But I'm so, so very glad I did. I've learned a lot in 9 years. And it just keeps getting better.
*I'm excited for this weekend. I love 4th of July! It has always been my favorite holiday. Fireworks are illegal in our city, so we will be heading up to my mom's so we can one fun night of pyromania!!! Seriously, is there anything more fun than sparklers, Picilo Pete's and flaming roses on a hot summers night?! Can't help it, I love it! We've also been invited to a BBQ at one of my oldest friends houses. I haven't seen them in forever so I'm excited to hang with them again for a while.
*We're also excited for our next camping trip. I just booked us a campsite down in Big Sur. (seriously, click on the link if you're not from CA. it is gorgeous!!) Neither Pete or I have ever been there but I have a feeling 2 days is not going to be enough. It looks like there's just lots of fun stuff to do. Lets just hope our big crate gets back from Alaska with our camping gear in time so we don't have to sleep in the stinky tent again. Lets also hope no one has a repeat performance of tent pukage. :/ Or any pukage for that matter!
Ok I think that's enough randomness for one post...
That picture of you and your hubby is adorable!!! And the pics of the drinks are great too!
You know that you can cut and paste pictures once you have them in your post, right? Cut it, then move your cursor to where you want to put it and then paste it in.
Congrats on 9 years!
Corey ... sounds like you are having a wonderful summer! And congrats on 9 years! Have a great day my friend!
congrats on your anniversary!!!
also so jealous that you guys are headed to big sur...that is on my list of must see places :)
Happy Anniversary!! I cannot wait to hear about the camping trip! Have a blast!
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