We've been lucky so far. This is the first anyone has been sick all Fall. But why'd it have to be the pukey sick? Colds, flu..I can deal with. I don't deal well with puke. But luckily, I have the best 5 year old kid ever. No really. He goes to the toilet. And he doesn't miss. He's really brave. Obviously more brave than his mother.
The saddest part is that he is just miserable. Not just from the sick. But because he is sick. He could hear all his friends playing outside and he knew he couldn't go. And he cried and said "I'm just waisting the day away!"
So he's sleeping on the couch tonight and asked me to stay down here with him. So I will. And tomorrow if he's up to it, maybe we'll go rent some movies and veg out together.
Not exactly what I planned for the weekend, but we'll make it through.
Praying that he'll be feeling better soon! I hate puke too (which is not great being a nurse!) Thanks for your comment about Unpubbed ... I'm going to miss it so much. We will just have to a way to keep on communicating!
Hope you have a good weekend!
awwww. I hate that for him, poor kid. All month I've been avoiding kid germ places and I keep hearing myself saying to the kids, "Nope. It's flu season." Like that makes it okay that mommy won't let them touch anything or go anywhere that might have germs.
Sick kids make me sad.
I hope he's feeling better soon.
awwwww poor baby...just reading it makes me sad...I hope and pray he's better by now.
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