My house kind of looks like a tornado hit it. For some reason I'm trying to cram all the holiday goodness into one afternoon. I've taken all the stuff out of the closet, strung lights outside, put up the stockings over the fireplace, made cookies, shopped for kids presents, and have a half-way put together Christmas Tree. There are boxes, and paper, and glitter, and fake pine needles everywhere. Giant messes overwhelm me so I'm not quite sure what possessed me to think I could do it all in one day.
Thanksgiving was fun. I love just hanging out all day and stuffing my face. It's my favorite holiday. Besides 4th of July. I actually did pretty good though. Not tooo much stuffing. :) Mom's oven broke so we had to cook everything in her cottage out back and in the camping trailer. That was fun. Hauling hot food back and forth. Luckily the turkey was cooked on the BBQ so we didn't have that to deal with too.
Am I boring you yet? Sorry.
The rest of the weekend was pretty boring too. Jake went with Pete to the ranch for 'Boys Weekend'. They had a ton of fun, but I seriously missed my kid. I mean, I missed Pete too....but it's just so much different when your kid is gone for 3 whole days. I'm almost embarrassed at how much I missed that boy.
Megan and I had fun too. I took her to the movies for the very first time Saturday night. We went and saw Bolt. It's sooooo cute! I really liked it and I think I'll take Jake for a special date so he can see it too.
Ok I'll stop here with the randomness. Must go finish decking the halls.
Happy December!
Your December Daily is off to a good start with all that baking and decorating! I dug out some Christmas boxes until I found my cards. Couldn't remember which ones I bought last year! Now I have to get photos printed for them. Ug. I'd love the cookie recipe!
I do sugar cookies every year, too! My mom and I did, and by golly, I was going to continue that tradition. BUT, I usually get half way into it and want to chuck the whole idea. It's SO time consuming. Last night, we went for ingredients and a new bowl and storage containers and sifter...and Sean was all, "Can't I just BUY you some sugar cookies?"
$40 for sugar cookies. Wow. But I can reuse the bowl and sifter and storage! I plan to mix 'em and bake 'em today and ice tomorrow. I figure, if I spread it out over two days and make enough to freeze, it won't be so bad. We'll see!
My parents took the kids to see Bolt and they loved it, too! Glad you and M got some girl time. I haven't had the chance to miss my kids in quiet some time!
I still haven't decided if I am going to do cut out cookies this year. Probably because I like them so much. But, I only glaze them, no fancy decorating here!
I do a cookie exchange each year so I already have to bake a big batch of cookies....
As for decorating, I still need to get outside done (actually get ANDY to do it) but, we have had some rain in the past few days...
Have fun decking the halls!
Mmmmm....I want some cookies now!
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