Wednesday, June 04, 2008

2 For one deal!

For the next RAK I will be giving away not one, but two books! Yee Haw!
This weeks offering is Devine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood and Little Altars Everywhere; both by Rebecca Wells.

Some of you might recognize the first book as a popular movie staring Sandra Bullock. It was a cute movie, but this is one of those times where the movie just barely skims the surface of a really, really good story. This is probably one of my most favorite books I've ever read. If you've never read it, put your name in for the drawing because if you win, you won't regret it! It's really that good.
Little Altars Everywhere is the prequel to Ya-Ya Sisterhood. This one is good too but on a much different level. Read the Ya-Yas first and then this one. Little Altars goes back in time with Vivianne-the mother in the first story and is basically deep, deep character development. It's a little raw compared to the first story, but it really helps to understand why she is the way she is.
So, if you're interested leave me a comment and you'll be in the drawing. I'll pull a winner next Tuesday. These books are being offered as a pair, but if you are more interested in one than the other let me know and I can split it up :)
Good luck!!


Unknown said...

Please enter me for the book RAK! I found you on memorable seasons!

Dettao said...

I've read the first one way back before there was a movie but not the second. This is so cool that you are giving away "loved" books.

camport said...

count me in again! I haven't read either of them, but did see the movie. I figured they were leaving stuff out b/c certain parts of the movie just didn't add up.

Love this RAK idea!


Melissa said...

Both good books :)
Don't count me in on this one though....

Jami said...

Isn't it nice to have dumb cousins in Texas..........'cause, we wanna know, what's a RAK?

Kimberly White said...

Hey ... loving to see that your books are so well loved. I can't believe you are parting with them ... which is why I have a huge huge stack of books that I can't part with but really should because they are just clutter! Have a wonderful day Corey! Kim

Jude said...

both look good... pick me! LOL... :)

nicole said...

oh love those ones too :) might need to reread the ya-ya for a quick summer read..need to do some digging