So a few months ago Nicole RAKed me a book on her blog. I promised I would pay it forward and RAK it to some one else on my blog. The thing is...I have TONS of books. Lots and lots of fun paperbacks. Summer is the perfect time for reading, right? So I figured, why not share them with my friends? It's either that or my husband is going to go crazy. He says we're swimming in books and I need to do something with them. So here's the deal-y-O: If you all are interested I'll RAK a new book, or SET of books every week this summer. yeah, I have that many books and more.
This weeks offering is
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. (raked to me by Nicole)

The story flips back from 1930's to present day. It is sad, scary, emotional and even at times funny. Very fun quick read. If you're interested, leave a comment and one of my lovely assistants will draw a name by Tuesday. If they pick you, I'll send it off, along with some other goodies!
if you think this is a total stupid idea and you are not interested in any of my books, OH WELL. ha ha! J/K :D
obviously don't need to included in this drawing....but what a great idea...might need to look through my books and join you :)
will also be staying tuned to see what books come up next!
I think this is a FABULOUS idea and if I had any books, I'd join you in RAKing them away!
I haven't read this one{or even heard of it, honestly} so count me in for the drawing!
I have this one checked out from the library right now! I haven;t even started it so another good review is great!! I read about that new covergirl lip gloss too... I am going to have get some of that. The link won't work for me, so tell me fellow red head, what shade did you pick???
This is a great RAK. I haven't read this one yet. I love going through nicole's Good Reads list.
Hey, I have lots of time on my hands now...I love to read!!!
This is a great idea too!
Great Idea ! I almost picked this up at Target.
I'd like a chance to win this book, please!
I'm a "who done it" kind of reader but Corey Ann turned me on to this book and I couldn't put it down! I was crying or laughing all the way thru the story. It touched my heart and tickled my funny bone all at the same time. My best friend (who reads the same stuff I do) really enjoyed it too! Highly recommended by Mom!
BTW - great idea about the book thingie. . . .
p.s. "Motor Mouth" is no Stephanie Plum!
what an awesome idea! the book sounds awesome!
Ditto here.. Do not need to be included in this one, but wanted to say from what I have read on the link, it sounds like a great book to continue reading!
Ooh, ooh, ooh!!!! Put me in the drawing!! I actually saw this book at the bookstore yesterday and was thinking that it looked good.
Books are some of my very favorite things, so I think a book RAK is great!
awesome Idea. I have not read that one and if I am not too late, would love to throw my name in
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