side note: my front yard looks horrible! yikes!
Well ok, not new but you get what I'm sayin', right?
I think we're going to do this.
This being me staying at home. Being a stay at home mom. Can you believe it? As I said in my last post...I could either panic, or take this as a blessing/oportunity. I think Pete and I both have decided on the later of the two. I had this sort of revelation, so to speak, about it this morning. I'm taking this bump in the road as a sign or maybe a kick in the butt from God...Saying "Hello down there, isn't this what you wanted? Well you got it! Now do something about it!" The thing is, we never would have done this on our own. Oh, we've talked about doing it....but it was just talk. It's just that it's so easy to work. It's so easy to get that paycheck every week and put it in the bank and just know that next week there will be another one. You know what I mean? It's that whole comfort zone thing. Even with the ranch going and earning money, I know both Pete and I would still be like "well lets just see how this goes another month". And I'd still work. And a year from now, I'd still be working. Like that whole "we're not ready to have kids yet" or "we can't afford to buy a house" or "we're not ready to get married". Well it's the same thing....You're never really going to be ready, until you just do it.
So, it looks like we're going to try this stayin at home thing. We will have to tighten things up a bit and there may be a slight issue to work out with health benefits but I believe it's all going to work out just fine. We'll actually be saving a lot of money on gas, day care and lunches. Part of me still wants to freak out a little...that's just my nature. But I tell ya...when that corporate guy walked in the office Tuesday morning, I just knew something was up. And when I figured out what was happening, I almost had a smile on my face. Isn't that weird? And then as he's sitting there reading from a script, everything kind of went blank. I couldn't beleive it was actually happening. But when they handed over a box to go clean out our desks...I couldn't help but feel this overwhelming sense of relief. It was like Finally....I don't have to do this anymore.
Will someone please come to my work and do the same thing? Enjoy being that SAHM :)
:) That smile on your face looks so genuine and content. I'm SO glad you're going to take this HUGE leap of faith.
I am so happy for you. You are right, it will be hard, moneyw ill be tight, but in the end you and the kids will be happier. I think it is a shame that we call it "feminism" and yet, we make moms feel like have to work. Isn't the whole point of feminism choice?? Sorry, this is a soap box issue for me!! LOL. I know I used to get so ill when people would treat me like I was spoiled because I stay home... I was like, Hello?? Do you see our tee-tiny house, me clipping coupons, having a garden and such... that is how I stay home! LOL. Okay enough from this peanut gallery... congrats again! :)
The decision to stay home isn't an easy one. It takes a lot of sacrifice, but it is so worth it. What a blessing for your children. Actually, for all of you.
I doubt you'll ever be sorry.
I'm so proud of you Corey! And you're right - you just have to "do it" and then God gives you the resources and wisdom to walk it out. Thanks for all your love and support on my blog. It totally picks me up my friend. I had no idea about that Joshua stuff you were telling me ... could you send me a little more info about it - I think what your husband said was totally cool! By the way, I love your pic! You look happy and content and in the right place! Love Kim
okay I am behind Jude on that soap box. I would say that it is a blessing for you since you have been saying you want it and you didn't exactly love your job. Congrats on your new positon....they pay stinks but I think you will be much happier!
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