I think I'm just about cookied out. I've made cookies every weekend since Thanksgiving and I think I'm done. These here are Pepparkakor. I think it's just the Swedish way to say "gingerbread". I could be wrong. Pete has been requesting pepparkakor ever since I've known him...His best friends mother always made them and he has fond childhood memories of it. I'd never heard of pepparkakor before. Anyways, I was on the SIStv MB the other day and came across someone who was making this for her Holiday treats. I asked for the recipe and she ever so kindly emailed it to me! How sweet! Some people are funny about sharing their secret family recipes so I thought this a very kind gesture to a complete stranger. :) Anyways, like I said, I think they're basically just like ginger snaps. But I could be wrong. Point is..the kids love em! Miss Megan pushed a chair to the counter, climbed her little butt up on it and snagged a hot one right off the plate. When I caught her you should have seen her face! She'd stuffed a whole cookie in her mouth and was reaching for another one. She turned and looked at me like "what?". The girl is sneaky! We'll see what Pete says when he gets home from the ranch tonight and see if this is the cookie he remembers.
All of a sudden today I kind of started to panic. Christmas is in 9 days. Nine days. I still have presents to buy. Just when I thought I was ahead of the game, I realized now I'm a tiny bit behind. And then I talked to one of Pete's sisters yesterday...Jake and Blake wanted to play and Sarah needed to do some shopping so we swapped kids for a while....Jake went to her house for a while and then she brought both boys over here so she could go shop. Anyways, she comes back and asks me what Jake wants for Christmas...I say "oh, do you have us this year?". See, we agreed to pick families and then just buy stuff for that family. She says, "no, but I'm going to get all the kids something anyways....Kim is doing it too." Ahhhk! Ok so I can't be the only auntie that doesn't bring something for everybody. Now I've got to go get 4 extra gifts...plus the stuff I hadn't already gotten. And before you say, "no you don't", YES I do. I also feel completely lame for thinking I didn't have to do it before someone else suggested it. So back to Toys R Us I go...
Friday was my first day of working 7-4. Oh my, it was awesome! First off, when I got to the office I felt like I'd been initiated into a new club. The girls who were there already (who are usually in a beeotchy mood by the time I come in at 8)were so happy to see me and were so nice! See I got there before all the crap started so they were all in good moods! LOL!! But the best thing was...I was home and in my PJ's by 5:15! The kids were fed, had baths and in their PJs by 6:30. (ok, so I only made them PB&J...but still!) This is going to make a huge difference in our family life. I sincerely thank my boss for that. Dear Lord, thank you for Su. May she find peace and happiness in the year to come. Amen. For reals.
aww. I'm SO glad you got that break in your job. I'm sure it's making all the difference in the world.
The cookies look yummy and I LOVE that frame, too. So Christmas-y.
Off to watch the Grinch!
LOVE that you got to get to work earlier...that is so awesome :)
And cookies every weekend...wow. And those ones look yummy :)
Have a great week!
Looks like some good cookies were made by all :)
Just wrapped up my cookie weekend too...and now I am done for the year!!
Glad to hear that the change in the hours is working out so well too!
The cookies looks great, Hope to see you at www.mikascrap.typepad.com
This is so sweet! No Pun intended. I am happy someone was sweet enough to share the recipe!
Yeah for the new hours!! :)
So glad that you are happy with your new time at work! Yippeeee!
And so nice of that lady to give you the recipe! I know what you mean about people and their recipies!
And Joel did that once with a muffin - hot off the counter shoved the whole thing in his mouth before I could catch him .... lol...
Have a very Merry christmas - hope you get caught up!
Love Kim
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