Can you believe it? Christmas is just around the corner. Literally. I just bought my last gift today. Yep. Well....it was a gift card and I knew I didn't have to go anywhere special to get it so I purposely left it for the last one.
I feel like I've spent more money in the last month than I have all year long. It's like a never ending thing. Well until now. I think I've been to Toys R Us more time in the last month than I have in my entire life. No joke. Finally I'm done. And wrapped. I stayed up until midnight last night wrapping everything. Let me just say...I am THE worst wrapper ever. I can't wrap a present to save my life! Many of my boxes have little strips of extra paper because I couldn't measure correctly! Oh well. Luckily, not everything will be wrapped. Santa does have some work to do Christmas eve. He and I have a few things to put together before morning. I'm kind of excited. In all the 7 years Pete and I have been married....this is the first time we've ever had Christmas at our house. We've always stayed the night at my mom's and have done Christmas there. I don't deal well with change. And it's hard that this year I won't be with my mom on Christmas day. But at the same time it's also nice to start some traditions of our own.
Mom did come down to spend the day here today though. And she litterally brought a wagon full of presents for us all! When the kids were napping she and I brought them in from her car and hid them in a closet. They are going to be SO surprised Christmas morning! My mom never ever put ANY presents out until I went to bed Christmas eve. And that's how I intend to do it with my kids too. It's that magical element of surprise. I can't wait to see their faces!
We got up real early and me and the kids went to Safeway to get our Christmas groceries. One hundred forty five dollars and an hour later, we were home and mom was here to greet us. She and I decided to make these little heavenly muffins pictured above. You can find the recipe here. (this lady just cook things I like to eat!)They turned out really yummy. Kind of like hot cinnamon sugar doughnuts. The butter and cinnamon sugar kind of make a nice little crust on the outside. mmmmmmm. We ate 5 or 6 and put the rest in the freezer for Christmas morning. They're going to be perfect with warm coffee and hot chocolate :)
I also started my Christmas dinner. I have to work Christmas eve (Blah!I know!) and the day after Christmas so I need to be as prepared as possible now. So, I have my meat marinating (yes for 2 days) and tomorrow I will pre bake my potatoes so I can make twice baked ones. mmmmmmm...
That's about all I got for now. Tomorrow the kids and I are heading up to meet Pete at the Ranch. He's got the fence and the cabins done. I haven't been up in a long time so I'm anxious to see how far everything has progressed.
I have a few funnies from both Jake and Megan...but that will have to be for another post. I'm off to bed!
Take pictures at the ranch!!
Do those muffins taste like the Market donuts?? If so, I'll be making them pronto.
That absolutely stinks that you have to work Mon and Wed. Blah is right!!
Can't wait to see what other traditions you guys come up with for Christmases of your own. We're kinda hodge-podging it out of necessity. If you don't post again, have a very Merry Christmas!!
I'm so glad you tried out those muffins :)I printed out that recipe and was planning on making them the morning of Christmas eve (I always have to make Monkey bread Christmas morning)..anyway glad that you confirmed they are good!
We also do the Christmas morning with the surprise of presents - although Jeff didn't do it that way so I've had to force him to do it 'my' way - I can't imagine not having that excitment for the big day!
Hope you have a great Christmas Corey!
The muffins look great :) I love having Christams at my house...it's the best.
And this year, Andy is building a couple days early...he's outside right now...
Off to finish up cleaning the house:)
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