I have been a bad blogger. How is it that a week has past by already? More than a week...it's practically Tuesday. Heck, it is Tuesday somewhere.
I really have absolutely nothing to talk about. (*surprise*) We've been up to nothing except for a evening visit last week from our pastor, my good friend having a baby, regular work stuff, and the ranch. Lord help me...could the ranch be done sometime soon? Not that that will mean anything will change around here I guess. Just more work! But don't get me wrong, it's a good thing. It's hopefully going to get me out of my go no where lame job. So for that, I am thankful. It's just been a long haul that's all.
We're also gearing up for Halloween on Wednesday. Since we moved to this neighborhood we have hosted trick-or-treating for the family. Pete has 3 sisters, they all live here in town, and all have kids. So everyone comes over here for dinner and trick-or-treating. We always have a really good time. But this year because of work and stuff...it's just kind of hectic. I usually try and make dinner...like actually make it, not order out! And I usually do something special for the kids..like last year I made them some gooey punch or you know, something like that. I just can't do it this time..so we're getting pizza! Who doesn't like pizza anyway? So, it should be fun.
As soon as Halloween is over then I gotta get my butt in gear and pack for Seattle! I can't wait!! People at work are saying "oh, so your going to go see your 'Internet friend'" Like, I'm special...if you know what I mean. I just laugh at them. I'm thinking I'll wear a big sign that says I *heart* Scrapbooking! so Chrissy will recognize me in the airport. What do you think?
One more thing before I go...
So there's this guy in my building..he's on the 2nd floor. He's a total butt. I've tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but after today, I'm convinced he is a huge @$$. About two weeks ago I get on the elevator on the 10th floor. I'm riding down with another woman from my floor and she has her hands full. I mean, FedEx box, mail, her purse..all kinds of junk. She can barely hold it all. We stop just short of the ground floor on 2. A man gets in. @$$ man. Now, normally all the men in the building are like, OVERLY chivalrous. Like if I'm standing at the back of a full elevator, they will all part ways to let me, the lady, get off first. Or they will run up behind me just to get to the door to open it. Super nice and polite. But this @$$ man guy...I have no idea what planet he is from, but he is just SO rude. So anyways, me, him and the lady with her hands full get to the bottom floor. He rushes out as fast as he can..but little hands full lady is right behind him. He opens the door, and just keeps walking and the door literally slams right in her face and he doesn't even look back! So I rush up, open the door for her and then say loud enough for him to hear it, "well, wasn't that NICE?!"
I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt that day..maybe he was really in a hurry, or maybe he didn't notice her right behind him...or maybe he didn't see that her hands were full (yeah right). But then today, he did the exact same thing to me! I'm not one of those girls who expects you to open a door for her, or let her get off an elevator before you. I'm not. But it's just not nice to let a door close in someones face. It's just not. Didn't his mother teach him anything? He must have been born in a barn.
The end.
Peace out. Hold a door open for someone tomorrow. :)
Chrissy will recognize you sign or no sign ... and it will be a great weekend! Hope you don't run into the rude man too often! Have a great day Corey - and that pic is amazing! Kim
Ahh he is an a$$ but what goes around comes around...one day he'll be in a similar predicament and they'll be no one around to help him either!
word verification = siezx
oh yeah I'm totally jealous that you're going to visit Chrissy!!!!
Oh yeah I LOVE the song on your blog right now...
Um I think men SHOULD hold the door open for anyone! I don;t care if it is old fashioned!! I do it too and make my boys as well. It is just common courtesy ya' know, male or female! Hope you guys have a fun Halloween, and yes, Pizza is a great idea!
I love the idea of the sign!! That is SO funny!!!!
That picture is SO cute!!!!
Have a fun Halloween! I love it!
Have so much fun in Seattle!! And, pizza on Halloween is absolutly perfect, it's probably what we'll do :)
And, next time you should just trip him. Maybe then he'll notice.
when Ronda and I picked Jude up, we made a giant neon green sign that said "Knockedupedness" so she's see us.
It was funny to us...
Anyways, I can't believe it's like the day after tomorrow and the day after that. We're gonna have a blast! You deserve it with all the chaos you're having to go through!
The a$$man story had me laughing so hard. And that's totally how people are here, so be ready!
Have a fun Halloween and I'll see you soon!
oh, and that's a great pic of Jake. He's a keeper!
that is a beautiuful picture. how cool that you are going to visit Chrissy. when will you be there?
Fabulous picture! Enjoy your trip and I am teaching my little ones to hold doors too!
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