One HUGE thing to talk about this week is this:

This is Megan taking her very first steps on her own last Saturday! I set her on the grass out front (which I know, desparately needed to me mowed!)and she just decided to go for it! She stood up all by herself and took about 2 steps and then fell back down. She didn't give up, she just kept trying. It was so cute! She's of course still mostly crawling, but tonight she just walked across the room to me. So exciting! She'll be ready to run by the time we go on vacation next month!
I just finished a new miniBook this week too. It was my first attempt at a "clear" one. You can see it here
I don't have much else to report...Back to chillin for now.
See ya :)
I totally hear you on wondering where every is!! But me...I've been buried in books...lazy days of summer forsure!
How fun that she is walking...such a mixed milestone - nice that they can walk - but so much more work too...but I guess that is part of the deal.
Also LOVE that mini - great job!
Hey Corey... we have been doing the back to school thing. Between that and all our "projects" we are trying to get done before the baby comes... I am tired!!LOL. I LOVE your mini book, it looks awesome. I have to get everyone added to my fav sis's over there, still haven;t done that!
2nd blog that's lost my comment!
again...yay Megan!! That's so cool and stinks all at the same time. If they can't walk they're still a baby...but it's cool to see the accomplishments.
And yeah, everybody is gone. It's like everbody has a real life, but me. :) That said, I haven't been on line for 2 whole days{well, almost}.
I am guessing it is back to school time! That's what's keeping me busy! Yea Megan....time to move things up out of her reach!
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