Here are some pictures just because :o)

I like the lighting on this one...

Jake took this one:

Nothing really to report. Been a lazy, lazy weekend. I was going to go to my dad's but I was just lazy. I didn't want to drive all the way up there by myself. Pete was at the ranch all weekend. (They now have all the post holes dug for the fence.) I did go to the GAP outlet yesterday and scored some capri pants for $6.99. They're Army green, but hello! $6.99. You can not pass a deal like that up. Do you ever have those days where you have some cash burning a hole in your pocket but you just can't find anything to spend it on? Yesterday was kind of like that. I was really going shopping looking for stuff for Megan. She's really growing out of stuff fast. And I haven't gotten my supply of hand-me-downs from my best friend up in Sacramento for a while. But I swear...every baby in Tracy must be her same size. Cuz there was nothing. So I was going for her and ended up with pants for me and flip flops for Jake. Couldn't pass those up either because they had the strap around the back (cuz he just won't wear regular ones) and they were only $3 dollars. Walked out of the GAP with 2 cool things for less than 12 bucks.
We also made the weekly round to Target. Actually, now that I think about it...since I've started my new job I think I go Target 3 or 4 times a week now cuz it's so close to my office. But anyway, I went there for a get Jake a new car seat. Megan is still cruising in her infant seat (because I'm lazy and cheap) But she is really, really growing out of that. And, in another month she'll be able to sit front-ways. She needs Jake's seat. And he too, is growing out of his seat. So anyways I've been doing light research...found a good deal on a Graco booster at Target for $50 bucks. So I head strait back to the baby/kids/car seat isle...and wouldn't you know it....They are out of just about every car seat on the isle. Out of the 20 different car seats they had on display...they only had like 2 boxes down below. And both of those were infant seats. So there went that idea. (yes, i did ask someone if they had any in the back...but of course, they did not have the one I wanted)
So, there ya have it. I got nothin! Boring weekend. Hope yours is supercalifradulousticexpialidosious. Not sure how you really spell that. But you know what I mean. :)
Love me some good deals...
I haven't bought clothes in forever...still waiting for an extra 10 pounds to come off :)
Love the pictures...great light!! and cute kiddos!
What cute pictures of the kiddos!! Glad to hear you had a good weekend - even if it was low key...those are always the best to me :)
Great pics of the kiddos and you! I love army green and scoring capris for that price... sweet! :)
I don't know why, but I just love looking at other people's pictures.
When did she get so much hair??? Oh, I know. It must've been during that time you didn't post pictures for a very long time.
:)Awesome Gap deals, gotta love it.
LOVE the pictures in all of their glory. The girly girliness and Jakes chinny chin chin. The one Jake caught of you is a really good one, too!
Keep up the pics!
Those pictures are all SO great!! Just happy, happy pics!!
Triple Arm Pump - those are terrific shots of your VERY CUTE kids. Man. Love it - and who doesn't love a good deal? YOU look fabulous, by the way!
I hate it when Target has empty always makes me question what the heck the supplier is doing sitting on his a$$!
The pics are soooo cute sooo cute, I wish I had that photography talent!
Awesome pics! Love your finds at Gap! Hope you have a wonderful day! Kim
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