I just have a thing for cowboys. Every time I see a man in cowboy hat and Wranglers, I get a little tingle. Maybe it's the fact that cowboys are real men. They work hard and they sweat. Maybe it's that they can wrassle a cow to the ground! We live in a pretty suburban area...but Tracy is surrounded by dairy farms, creameries, cattle ranches and alfalfa fields. It's not uncommon to see a stray cow on the road. Or to see a cowboy in Safeway. Which I did last night. This man was so good looking! Good lord. He was dirty, and had leathery tanned skin and a mustache. If he had a southern accent, I might have melted right there. He was way older than me, but men just seem to get more handsome as they get older, you know? Why is that? Do not get me wrong people, I love Pete. And he is HOT. I don't now how I snagged me such a good looking man. But I still have quite an affection for cowboys. Like some women have a thing for guys in uniform (which I like too!). Maybe it was growing up listening to country music. Or the fact that my Pa-Pa had every single John Wayne movie on video. Or maybe that my Pa-Pa himself was a born and raised Texan and he didn't leave the house without his cowboy hat. My dad is a little rough around the edges himself. Really, I think even though I try and deny it, I am a country girl at heart.
Oooh yeah, those dirty, leathery, any other adjective we can think of-y cowboys. I know exactly what yr talkin' bout!! lol!! I hope u get "tagged" Corey!!!
What a cute picture Corey!! And cowboys...yummy :) I always think of Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall!
So cute. And ditto. Cowboys ARE hot.
Now that you mention it, cowboys are very yummy to look at! :)
cute picture too!
As a native Texan, let me tell you that cowboys get me excited too!!
I like it when my dh gets out his cowboy boots. They make his legs look really long and sexy!! ;-)
yep, cowboys are a breed of their own!! LOL... ANd you are right about men in uniform, when Micah was a cop, it was hilarious to hear what some of these women said!! :)
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