I've had in a LONG time! Seriously, it was just that good! The kind that lingers with you on Monday. Like when someone asks you how your weekend was, you can say "Excellent" and it radiates from you. Yeah, it was that good.
Saturday: Started off quiet. Megan slept until about 7...which, since I went back to work is pretty late for her. It was nice. When she woke up I put her in bed with me and we snuggled for a while. This is like the only time she really snuggles...the rest of the time she just wants to play, play, play! So I really love the mornings with her. I let Jake sleep until about 8-8:30 because he and I stayed up late the night before. When he finally got up we all played together. I even got some scrapping in before and after nap time! Pete got home from the ranch around 4 and we quickly got ready to go to our dinner thing. It was a fund raising dinner for the California Mule Deer Association. Surprisingly, it was a lot of fun. (and remember we had no kids with us-so even more fun). We had excellent food from Kinders...a locally famous BBQ and meat deli. They served BBQ prime rib. YUM. They had raffles and even a live auction with a real auctioneer. I don't know why, but that dang auction was the best part of the night! I found it highly entertaining! LOL! I didn't even care about what they were auctioning off...it was stuff like riffles and guns and trips to go hunting. Nothing I cared about, but the auctioneer was so good. And they had these guys all around the banquet room as spotters and helping them make bids and stuff. It was crazy exciting! LOL!! One guy at our table obviously had lots of money to burn. He won a few of the auction items and if I calculated correctly he spent about 10 thousand dollars. Yeah. Crazy. They raffled off probably at least 20 to 30 guns and wildlife paintings and a gun safe and all kinds of other little stuff. We did not win anything. That was the only dissapointment of the night. Super fun to have a night out with the kids...which hasn't happened in almost a year. Very, very good.
Sunday: Meg slept late again. Good start! After we snuggeled for a while, I got up, took a shower and then went downstairs. I made homemade muffins for everyone (yeah, I know it was mother's day and it's supposed to be the other way around...but the rest of the day makes up for it!) I emptied the dishwasher as I talked to my mom on the phone wishing her a happy Mother's Day. At 10 I met my SIL's at my MIL's house. We drove over to Pleasanton to hop on BART to get over to the city.
It was a beautiful day over there. If you ever go to to SF go in spring or fall. Otherwise it's freezing and foggy. Winter is usually not bad either. In summer it could be 100 degrees at my house and 58 in the city. Anyways, we got off BART at Powell Street. Which dumps you right downtown....basically right into the Nordstroms. :D First thing we did was go to Bloomingdales and Kim and Rachel tried on dresses that were like $1000, (yeah!) just for fun! The only reason I didn't try any on is because I didn't want to take off my tennis shoes and socks. I know, I'm lazy. I also didn't feel like looking like a fat cow. Kim and Rach are both skinny mini's! Anyways, Kim had got us reservations for brunch at a really nice hotel. (it was $65 a person!-a little rich for my blood, but it was good!) We walked up Geary Street to the hotel and had a very nice relaxing brunch. It was expensive, but it was SO good. I said that already, didn't I? Yeah.
Anyways on our way to Brunch we passed by the Corran Theater. I think this theater was built way back in the early 1900's. Not sure, I'll have to look it up. I saw Phantom of the Opera here when I was in high school. It is beautiful inside. We saw they were showing Jersey Boys (a Broadway show about Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons) My MIL really, really wanted to see it. So she bought tickets for all of us!
It didn't start until 7, so we went shopping for the rest of the afternoon. I also had to call Pete and make sure it was ok that I stayed out that late...and make sure the kids were ok. I was surprised he didn't say anything, but he said "yes" without hesitation. YAY!! So anyways like I said we went shopping. Did you know? They have a 4 story Old Navy in SF. 4 stories! It was pretty awesome even though I don't like Old Navy all that much...but they have great stuff for kids. My MIL got a cute little skirt for Megan for $6.99. And I want to go back and get these. They're only 10 bucks. I think they'll be great for around the pool and for when we go to Hawaii. I did get some big framed sun glasses and a beach tote there. Then we went to Nordstroms and my SIL's helped me spend all $300 of my gift certificates! I got some tops and a pair of shorts. I think I'm going to take some of it back though. I don't think I'm down with this new style of shirts...they're like babydoll tops...you know kind of an empire waist with a flowing, peasant type below that. Kinda like this: I don't know, but I just feel pregnant when I wear them! I know it's the syle right now, but I just feel uncomfortable. Yeah, I think I'm gonna take 'em back. Ok so anyways back to the awesome weekend...After spending all my money, we hiked back up to the theater for Jersey Boys. It was so good. If it comes to your town, I highly recommend going to see it. It had all this music in it that I knew, I just didn't know that this paticular group sang them. All from the 60's- "Big girls don't cry", "Sherry", "Rag Doll", "Can't take my eyes off of you". Good, good stuff! The story was good too. All about how they got together, they had some money issues, they were slightly involved with the Mob. It was mostly about the music. Really fun and everyone was dancing in the isle at the end.
So that about sums up the totally mega cool awesome weekend. I want more like that! It was just so relaxing and so nice to just hang out with girls. I NEVER hang out. The SIL's hang out together all the time, but rarely do I get invited. I don't think it's because they don't like me, I think it's because they don't think about it, or that they think I will say no. I do say no sometimes. I can be somewhat anti-social. I wish I wasn't like that.
Kid update: Jake thinks he's Spiderman (or as he says "Pide-o-man") If I say something he doesn't like, he flings an imaginary web at me through his fingers--with sound effects and everything. ("ffffsseeewwwww") Boys are fun. He told me he went to the doctor and the doctor put a web in his hand. He's so funny.
Megan crawling update: We have major mobility. Of course it's not really forward mobility! She goes all over the house now but she doesn't really crawl and she definitely does not go forward. It's so funny to watch her. She goes around in circles, she goes backwards, she goes sideways but not forward. Anyways it's cute, and it's funny. When ever she figures out how to to get up on all fours and actually move forward, it will be a stellar day! LOL!
Hope you all had a great Mother's day! See more pictures of SF here
Saturday: Started off quiet. Megan slept until about 7...which, since I went back to work is pretty late for her. It was nice. When she woke up I put her in bed with me and we snuggled for a while. This is like the only time she really snuggles...the rest of the time she just wants to play, play, play! So I really love the mornings with her. I let Jake sleep until about 8-8:30 because he and I stayed up late the night before. When he finally got up we all played together. I even got some scrapping in before and after nap time! Pete got home from the ranch around 4 and we quickly got ready to go to our dinner thing. It was a fund raising dinner for the California Mule Deer Association. Surprisingly, it was a lot of fun. (and remember we had no kids with us-so even more fun). We had excellent food from Kinders...a locally famous BBQ and meat deli. They served BBQ prime rib. YUM. They had raffles and even a live auction with a real auctioneer. I don't know why, but that dang auction was the best part of the night! I found it highly entertaining! LOL! I didn't even care about what they were auctioning off...it was stuff like riffles and guns and trips to go hunting. Nothing I cared about, but the auctioneer was so good. And they had these guys all around the banquet room as spotters and helping them make bids and stuff. It was crazy exciting! LOL!! One guy at our table obviously had lots of money to burn. He won a few of the auction items and if I calculated correctly he spent about 10 thousand dollars. Yeah. Crazy. They raffled off probably at least 20 to 30 guns and wildlife paintings and a gun safe and all kinds of other little stuff. We did not win anything. That was the only dissapointment of the night. Super fun to have a night out with the kids...which hasn't happened in almost a year. Very, very good.
Sunday: Meg slept late again. Good start! After we snuggeled for a while, I got up, took a shower and then went downstairs. I made homemade muffins for everyone (yeah, I know it was mother's day and it's supposed to be the other way around...but the rest of the day makes up for it!) I emptied the dishwasher as I talked to my mom on the phone wishing her a happy Mother's Day. At 10 I met my SIL's at my MIL's house. We drove over to Pleasanton to hop on BART to get over to the city.

So that about sums up the totally mega cool awesome weekend. I want more like that! It was just so relaxing and so nice to just hang out with girls. I NEVER hang out. The SIL's hang out together all the time, but rarely do I get invited. I don't think it's because they don't like me, I think it's because they don't think about it, or that they think I will say no. I do say no sometimes. I can be somewhat anti-social. I wish I wasn't like that.

Kid update: Jake thinks he's Spiderman (or as he says "Pide-o-man") If I say something he doesn't like, he flings an imaginary web at me through his fingers--with sound effects and everything. ("ffffsseeewwwww") Boys are fun. He told me he went to the doctor and the doctor put a web in his hand. He's so funny.
Megan crawling update: We have major mobility. Of course it's not really forward mobility! She goes all over the house now but she doesn't really crawl and she definitely does not go forward. It's so funny to watch her. She goes around in circles, she goes backwards, she goes sideways but not forward. Anyways it's cute, and it's funny. When ever she figures out how to to get up on all fours and actually move forward, it will be a stellar day! LOL!
Hope you all had a great Mother's day! See more pictures of SF here
God I miss San Fran...I've only been twice and I loved the rich cultural feeling it reminded me of England for some reason. It could have been the overcast day maybe!!!! LOL
oh fun. Fun FUn FUN! Definitely do it more often! MAke it a yearly thing. You look so happy in that picture of you and the SIL's.
I don't get invited to anything either. I think it's the 3000 miles issue, but it could be me. Invite yourself. Or just invite them to something. Say, "hey, lets get together and..." And that way they'll think to invite you next time!
I'm so happy for you that you got a day off. Really, genuinely happy for you. Not jealous at all. Well, maybe just a little. Not in an "I hate you" kinda way, just an "I wish I were you" kinda way.
:) I am so gonna plan a trip to disney, if for no other reason than to get to hang out with you!
:) Chrissy
YAY! A banner! Was that there yesterday?
It looks a little stretched. I got mine to look a little less stretched by cropping hte original pic to a rectangle and then giving it the pixel size of 648X240 or whatever it is I first told you.
A lot of it has to do with the original cropping. Just crop a portion of the pic as rectangular as you can before resizing with the pixels. Does that make sense?
It looks good!
Hope this weekend is just as wonderful! Kim
Glad to hear you had a great weekend. And, that you got a chance to hang out with the girls...
I wonder what that's like to get away for a whole day without guilt attatched to it. That' all I get!
I love to watch Broadway type shows, but don't really go. Something about paying $$$ for the ticket. Kind of like an expensive dinner. Just dont' want to pay for it...One day when I make millions then I'll go to more shows!!
have a great weekend!!
:) Melissa
So glad you had such a good time. I haven't been there but it is definitely on my list! Sleeping in is so nice and such a great way to start a weekend!
wow, what a an amazing trip. sounds like you had so much fun. good for you!
i am so with you on those new tops that everyone is wearing. why would i like to look pregnant when i had to wear those for 9 months???
Okay, the computer just ate my post.. UGH! I am glad you had fun, despite the pricey brunch!! How cool that you got to see a show too... and what? You and Pete didn't want to drop a spare 10 grand at an auction??? Haha!
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