See that big gash on his forehead? It actually looks worse in person than it does in this picture. He got is first really bad owie the other day. Jake's 6 year old cousin, Blake, threw a rock at him. Hit him strait in the head. In Blake's defense, Jake did throw a rock at him first. BOYS.
*huh* That's all I have to say about that! This certainly will not be the last time this happens. And being the good scrapper mom I am, of course I had to take pictures! LOL! I think he should have gotten stitches...but Pete was certain he'd be just fine. We'll see. I think he just wanted him to have a big "manly" scar on his forehead. When I got to my MIL's house (
about an hour after the tragic accident of aforementioned rock throwing) Jake was all laid out on the couch milking it for all it was worth. What a good kid! ha ha ha!! He was pretty traumatized by the whole thing...I guess there was a lot of blood. When I came in through the garage, I noticed a very bloody towel right next to the washer. Anyways, Jake gets up off the couch and he starts limping. My MIL and I just look at each other and share a private chuckle. It was just so funny. Later we get in the car and Jake says "momma, my feet don't work very well anymo". I said, "they don't?" Jake: "No, I got a lot of blood on my head and now my feet don't work anymo".
Oh really?! He just cracks me up with the stuff he comes up with. He really is fine, I was kind of freaked out by the whole thing at first, but they are boys and this will happen again and now looking back at it I can laugh. Please don't think I'm the worst mom because I'm laughing at my child's pain!
Another funny story about Jake...The other day he's getting undressed to take a bath. He says, "momma, I got two balls". "oh yeah?" I say. I'm thinking "
get your mind out of the gutter, Corey! I'll turn around and he will have 2 rubber bouncy balls...right?" Wrong. Jake: "yeah, see they're right here on my body!". As he jingles them, laughing, just like any man would. Yeah, Blake taught him that one too. What is the world coming to when a three year old boy knows he's got balls?! Maybe I'm naive.
I've got some more stories, but I'll post again tomorrow. :D
Lol! I love your stories! Speaking strictly as an emergency nurse ... from the picture it looks like his cut will be just fine (the edges look like they are together). My little man tripped and fell when he was 13 months old and got a cut on his forehead, I'm not sure who was more upset about it me or him! I love it that his feet didn't work - hee hee! Kim
I am laughing so hard, quietly as Seans already asleep! That is so frickin' funny, the balls, not the cut.
Boys are gross, and rough. Good thing you've got a girl to balance it all out! Felix got a whopper on his head in just about the same spot as Jakes. Fell of the stair again! Daddy was supposed to be watching...
Good mommy to take pictures. I made a page about Simon's first scraped knee, oh so long ago. I haven't scrapped any head injuries yet, but they're coming. Can't wait to hear the other gross man boy stories!
I feel totally validated at wanting pictures when Lincoln broke his are now. LOL. (you can't take pics in the ER though!) Sorry about the bad cut, break out the neosporin! I love the tub story... I once called Lincoln's his "little guys", and he looked around like where are their guys???
Ok, so, it must be a man thing.
Tanner came running to me the other day and told me the EXACT SAME THING! And, he jiggled them too! AND, HE'S THREE! Sometimes I wonder about my husband....
I have scraped such injuries (not as extreme) and I think the supply of cuts and bruises will never end...it's part of being a boy, right?
But, I love how creative Jake was with his injury and milking it for all he could...
Mine had a gash on the back of his head from slipping & falling in the shower & hitting the tile. His sissy actually scared him on purpose and that's when he fell. Anyway I did take him to the ER where we proceded to wait for 4 hours while they told me to hold ice on my 3 1/2's head. Yea because he'll keep still. They actually stapled it, said it was safer & yea no numbing medicine either. They can't do it. So I guess what I am saying is I think you made the right decision not to take him.
Totally loving your stories. Too funny. You're Jake sounds a lot like my Anthony when he was younger. Makes me miss those days!
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