In other news....Well, I mentioned the other day that I applied for a new job. Some of you who've been stopping by here a while know that I had major anxiety going back to work after 5 months off for maternity leave, and you also know that since going back to work, I've been pretty unhappy. Anyways an opportunity came up for me to work for another company doing the same thing, but for a lot more money. Sounds perfect right? Actually, it would even be less responsibility than what I have now...So still sounding perfect, right? Well I was all ready to accept the position, when they hit me with this: my hours would be 8:30am to 5:30pm, but no earlier than 8-5. *uggg* Right now I work from 8-4:30. See, I have almost an hour commute, so by the time I get home after picking up the kids, it's almost 6 o'clock. Then it's a race to get dinner on the table, dishes cleaned, kids in the tub and then in bed by 8. So I'm just torn right now....do I sacrifice another 1/2 hour of family time(probably more like 45 minutes because traffic is worse at 5 than at 4:30) for a few more bucks in my pocket? I just don't know. I want to take the new job because frankly, my current job just sucks and I feel like I need a change. But the thing is, what I really want, is to just be home. I almost feel like if I take a new job, then it means I'm not working towards my ultimate goal of being home. Does that make sense? Like, I guess if I take this new job then it would be like I'm pursuing a career instead of focusing on my family. But I have no plans on quiting to stay home any time soon. Technically, my husband is unemployed! I mean reality is, it's not happenin' for a while! ya know?! *sigh*....*Big sigh*...Fact is, I hate change. Change scares me to death and that's what's really holding me back on making this decision. *sigh again* I can make up a thousand excuses to stay where I am...and I can make a thousand more for going to the new job. But I just can't make a decision either way. Why is that? What's wrong with me? I guess I'm going to sleep on it again....one more night. I have to tell them tomorrow yes or no. Hopefully the answers will come in my sleep.
HAHA...that's what my desk looks like except I haven't started on the CJ yet! I can't wait to see yours! I sincerely hope the job situation works out to your benefit!
Oh man, that is a toughie! I swear, y'all need to move to the east coast.
Your husband really would love it. The very first time you said something about him loving hunting and outdoor stuff, I thought, "Wow, he's a west coast redneck!" I didn't even think you could hunt in Cali.
All southern boys have camo duds and shot guns, he would love it!!
AND, you could take the money from selling your house and live...forever!
I have no advice about your job, that just sucks. I hate it for you. I guess I would take the new job, just to shake things up a bit, and deal with the consequences when they come. And they may not be bad. The extra commute, I guess that would be a huge negative, but what about the positives? Just make a list and whichever has more plusses, go with it.
I will tuck you into my prayers tonight.
Also, I was bustin' it on the CJ. I can't be the suck-y one in the group. I really hope everybody else thinks it's cool. And mine is really bulky, too, and the glue I used on the cover made it curve a little. I'm scared everything is gonna pop off in shipping. Oh well.
Hope your answer comes to you tomorrow!
ps. thanks for noticing I was gone. I feel like the loser that posts every single day. My SIL calls if I miss a day! :) We didn't make it to Sedona, but we're going tomorrow.
I always say money doesn't change everything...so on that note I'd stay where I was at in place of more family time even if it is just 30 minutes more.
I almost did 6x6 too, but the Maya road album I had didn't have enough pages. I am sure you will make it work, and I think bulky looks cool!! :) I am trying to finish mine up this weekend too... Chrissy has put us all to shame by busting hers out so quickly, and it looks amazing too!!!!!!! :)
I see a bit of that CJ in the corner, just have to look really hard!
It's hard to make a decision when it comes to working. I went back after a year and left that job after 4 months. I was stressed and angry all the time. I took another position and I am not happier, but, my husband has been able to stay more local with his business and has been keeping up with house work so that I don't have to stress when Tanner and I get home.
And, Tanner is at school with me all day, so I can see him when I need to.
Sleep on your decision and it will come to you.
i am feeling a little pressue to make an amazing CJ too. you're not alone. i think its grewat you decided to the new job.i'm sure it will work out alright. i also took 5 months maternity leave and it was tough to go back to work. eventually you will get a renewed sense of motivation to focus on your career and you will make it work. hang in there.
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