1. Find the nearest book. We have tons, I read a lot. Mom sends me paperbacks all the time.
2. Name the book and author: Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson. This is not my typical kind of story...it's science fiction. I prefer murder mysteries.
3. Turn to page 123....
4. Got to the 5th sentence on the page & copy out the next three sentences onto your blog: "Do you need help?" My eyes flicked back to her face. "Max-with your wings-can you actually fly?"
5. Tag 3 more people: Ok I tag Jude and Kari and Jami.
Ok back to regular stuff...I've been home the last two days. Megan has got her first virus. I went to drop her off Thursday morining and as soon as I was turning to go, she threw up everywhere. No not baby spit up...throw up. So home we went. Jake stayed at Grandma's and Meg slept most of the rest of the day. I kept her home yesterday too just to make sure she's ok. No more throw up, now it's the other way. I don't want to go into the details, but I'm sure you get it. Poor little thing. I hate when babies are sick!
But despite the sickies...I totally got my scrap on yesterday. I did 2 layouts and I think they're both pretty awesome. These aren't the best pictures...for some reason my photoshop won't open right now, so I couldn't edit them any. We've got funky morning light coming in and I couldn't get away from the shadows or glare. Anyways here they are:

I don't know what it is about having a girl, but it totally brings out the girly girl in me. I am in love with all things pink and flowery lately! Before Megan, Pink was my least favorite color. I just can't get enough of it now! Funny how girls will do that to you. More scrappy news...Today is my class at my LSS with Ali! Can not tell you how flippin excited I am about it! I will be sure to post pictures. Hopefully it won't be too pathetic if I ask to take a picture with her?

Anyways, more later, I'm off to shower!
Oh, I am so jealous!! Awesome, I didn't realize the class was this soon. I don't think it's tacky to get a picture with her, she knows she's famous.
LOVE the pages, makes me want a girl. As pictures of your little pinkness always do. She's a cutie, and your pages rock!
Hope you had fun today, Chrissy
Oh, I hope Jake is feeling better! And that the rest of you don't get it. Luckily, ours passed really quickly.
Hope your class was fun, post pics when everbody's on the up and up.
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