So as I mentioned before, Megan was sleeping usually until about 7:30, sometimes 8 in the morning before I went back to work. It was wonderful! What mother can say she got up before her 4month old baby did? Yeah, I was real lucky. That's why I was paranoid about going back to work and knowing that I'd now have to get her up by 6 am in order to get her fed and changed before heading out to Grandma's. Well, I noticed on Friday morning, she seemed to already be getting used to getting up a little early. When I peeked in there yesterday at 6 she was lying there quietly, just kind of barley awake. I peeked in over the crib, she saw me, and then immediately got a huge smile on her face and squealed her little happy piglet squeal. I thought, well this isn't so bad, at least she's happy, right?
Well anyway so today is Saturday, and what did this little princess do?...(This is why her new nick-name is "over achiever")....At exactly 5:30am this morning, Megan thought "ok, I'm gonna make my mommy real happy. I'm gonna wake up now and be all ready for her!" Yeah, we heard her through the monitor this morning just as happy as could be at 5:30! Pete rolled over, looked at the clock and said, "she sure does learn quick, doesn't she!" *sigh* Well, I turned over and just hoped she would go back to sleep. No such luck. Promptly at 6am, when mommy didn't come to her happy sounds, Megan thought..."well heck, that didn't work, where's my mommy? Maybe this will work......WHAAAAA!!!" Yep she's a smart one, alright. So of course I got up and fed her a bottle. So long days of sleeping in! I guess I won't see that day again for at least another 9 months! She's such a good girl though, after her bottle we all got back in bed, she snuggled right down next to me and went back to sleep. Such a good girl. :o)
Crap, now I want a girl. Actually, it wasn't just your post...I look for any excuse I can find, to want a girl. She is so cute. And I bet she likes to shop, and wear pink. And I bet she'll never wipe her mouth on her clothes, or think butt is a funny word. *sigh* Enjoy her for all of us boy mommy's out here.{not that i'd trade 'em for a billion girls, but I do think it's important for them to have a sister...y'know for whatever reasons...}
ah, another mommy that stays up late to have time w/o clingons.
we aren't on the road yet, leave Tuesday...
I like adobe, but feel as tho I am doing things either completely wrong, or completely backwards
and I did see after I left my previous comment that you have a boysie, too. One of each, does that mean you're done?
I've never taken a photography class, but would love for somebody to teach me how to use my Canon. I just play around, take a billion pics, and edit the half way decent ones. My s-i-l is a {locally} famous photographer{helenarutan,com}, so I try to finagle lessons out of her.
next time I'll send an email instead of commenting all over the place...
nevermind, I don't have your email address. I thought it would appear if I put the mouse over your name.
and typo...it's http://helenarutan.com or helenarutan.typepad.com, if you're bored and wanting to look at some really awesome pictures.
promise it's my last comment...
What awesome cheeks she has! Makes her smile like a warm and inviting place to visit!
I am sorry you have to work....work sucks.
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