I realized when I posted my last challenge, that many of you guys (non-scrapbookers) might not know what or who AE is...AE is Ali Edwards, a totally awesome scrapbooker, or life artist. More than anything, I think she is completely inspiring. Not only to me, but to many other women. Check out her blog or her work in Creating Keepsakes.
Anyways, on to the challenge... This weeks challenge goes along with last weeks-picking one word to focus on for the year. This week she challenged us to look up our words in the dictionary and make a 3x5 card or something like that we could keep somewhere where we would see it often and hopefully inspire us. When I looked up my word, SIMPLE there were about 18 different definitions! I chose 7 that I thought really focused in on what I wanted to accomplish personally and creatively. It's funny, I was reading someone else's blog who picked the same word as I did last week. She said when she set out for her project she immediately pulled out all kinds of chipboard and patterned paper and embellishments. Then said, wait a minute..isn't my word SIMPLE? I had to laugh, because I did the exact same thing! Anyways here's my entry this week: a SIMPLE 3x5 (well it actually might be more like 3.75x5.5 but who's checking!) I just used cardstock, a piece of scrap patterned paper and a prima flower...cause what project would be complete without a flower!? LOL It's sitting right here by the computer so I know I'll see it every day.

In case you can't read it, here's the definitions I chose:
1. not involved or complicated: a simple design
2. easy to understand, to deal with, use
3. not elaborate or artificial: a simple style
4. free of deceit, sincere, unconditional
5. unpretentious: a simple way of life
6. clear, intelligible, understandable, unmistakable
7. nonessential, unnecessary
Anyways, that's it! Couldn't have been more SIMPLE!
I'm being called away now by crying baby, and a hungry preschooler...gotta go be mommy!
very cool, and so simple! hubbys yelling, gotta go, will chat more when we get to PHX! :)
Love how this came out Corey! What a great word and idea for reminding you of it!!!!!!!!!
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